Growing Pains

Learning is not growth without reflection

The time we take to reflect is when we truly grow on a personal and spiritual level.   Visiting our past observations and experiences, to create our future.  This is when we grow.  Keeping in mind also that when we are learning, it is not automatically synonymous with growth.  Thus, producing the need for reflection on our findings to propel us forward.


I backed myself into a corner to see what I was made of.

How many here like a challenge?  How many thrive on problem solving out of situations to feel the rush of accomplishment?  I can confidently say that I do.  However, I backed myself into the corner of unhappiness, so deep for a few weeks I couldn’t see the light to take my next step.  As scary as the dark may be, you’ll get no where if you aren’t trying to find help by reaching out, or letting others know your lost.



The transition into adult hood is scary, complicated and unsure.  To those in my generation, we value our happiness, and the balance to feel accomplished, all while maintaining strong connections to those around us.  When I found myself backed into the corner it forced me to make a decision.  The options to say yes, no, or no decision at all.   Initially I said yes to a lot of things I wished I had said no to, and vise versa.


Preserving to Repair.

I then chose to say yes to myself.  At this point I was in survival mode, just making it through day by day.  My job wasn’t entirely stressful, perhaps annoying, as I began to put myself on autopilot.  I knew however I could not do my job, if I wasn’t preserving myself physically, or mentally.  I began preserving myself, so I could repair myself.  Focusing on making sure I was getting the correct nutrients, to stretching, reading content to positively stimulate my mind.  All these things slowly give me the energy I needed to stand.


Death and Rebirth

During this time as well I was experiencing death and rebirth at the same time.  How, you may ask? Realizing that your old life no longer exists is a death all in itself.  The movement from college to the real world.  The world where all relationships, and everything changes at the exact same moment.   Simultaneously as one life was dying, another was being reborn.  Coming into a world of new experiences, and new understandings.


New Beginnings

Like a newborn taking the world in around us, it is in the beginning where we will learn the most.  Through various learning experiences, I’ve found the value in creating a strong foundation that is contained of the company I keep, the resources I surround myself with and use, and the clarity of my values.  A trifecta for a strong base to build a stable path moving forward into my new beginning.


Because this is how we grow.

Alex Pircer

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