Intuition. Energy. Awareness.

Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.  They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

  • Steve Jobs

The hesitation, the second guessing that heeds warning signs, and feelings that go against logic is what I call intuition.  You always know.  Deep down you already know your decision, you know what’s the right thing to do for you.   Your soul knows what it needs to fill it up with light and energy.

When words fail me, my intuition takes over, and I can only describe it to people as a pull.  I like to think of it as a magnet; like poles repel, unlike poles attract.  The magnet is your intuition, and when it repels against a possibility, is guiding you the other direction.  Intuition can also create an energy to move you toward a possibility as well.  However, intuition and energy aren’t always straight forward, and can be complicated by surroundings.

Other people can become an influence in your decisions, even when you aren’t 100% on board with what they have to say.  Even if you do agree, there can still be something holding you back, telling you its not a good idea.  Your intuition is guiding you, setting off red flags to alert you.   The peace and energy within you can become disrupted when you have many outside influences.  Other outside influences such as the environment, or life situations can impact whether or not we listen to our intuition.  If its holding on to a relationship, or a job that seems fine, but we know it isn’t what we ultimately want, can be our intuition too.  A feeling that has to do more with your inner energy being unsettled.

So how do we protect ourselves from our surroundings?

Awareness is key to be able to focus.  Being able to take a step back and identify the influences to see how they’re affecting you, is a great way to increase your awareness.  Sometimes you might find, that a certain element in your environment was the reason for you to feel uneasy about a situation.  However, it will help you identify whether it truly is your intuition guiding you to, or from a possibility.  For myself I know I can trust my intuition if I ask myself if I would have any regrets doing, or not doing.  Would I wonder what could have been? Or feel content knowing I listened to myself, and followed the pull.

Because you already know the answer of what you truly want to do.

Alex Pircer

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